Part 217: Mission 56 - Your Self, My Self - Part 3
Alright, first things first.

: Enough of this, Yzak! Are you actually going to follow the Chairman?!

: Answer me something first! Why do you always have to leave everyone else in the dark?!

: Wha-

: You think all you have to do is fight and thats it?! If you figure youre in the right, then try explaining why to others, damn it!

: Have you learned nothing in these past two years?! Answer me, Athrun!

Im sorry.

: Hmph
at least that sounded honest. Youve no doubts about of what youre doing right now, huh?

: Fine. Ill trust you people.

: Yzak

: Ill join Dearka and deal with the Feds in the surrounding areas!

: Dont kill the Chairman, though. He has a lot of explaining to do.

: Understood
Dont die, Yzak.

: Hah
who do you think youre talking to?

: (Thank you, Yzak
I was just about to make the same mistake as before
And there we go, Yzak got to yell at his man-crush and now hes off our hair.
Also, Athrun did have a pre-battle convo with him if only to say Hey! Try convincing, stupid!:

: Athrun... you...!

: Please, Yzak! You have to see the Chairman is just trying to lock the world away!

: If you really believe in something, why can't you say it?!

: And if you'd rather express it by force, force is what you'll get!
I set Shinn over here to see if we cant bait Rey a wee bit closer while killing some more weak stuff.

Lets deal with Sciroccos ship now before he tries anything. Toshiya melts his armor and Diana is ready to tell him off.

I expected a bit more from a Loved attack but whatever.

Roger follows it up and, then, Kei moves in for the kill.
This thing goes off like a firecracker once its shot down.

: The Dogosse Gier is finished

: Did we get him

: No, not yet!

: To think Id have to deploy The O... indeed, theyre foes to be respected.

: Sciroccos taken to the field

: This frigid pressures coming from him

: The fact that you possess the power to sense me yet cant comprehend my ideals shows how irredeemable you are.

: Your arrogance is one of the reasons why space is at war!

: ZEUTH, I wont let you lay a finger on him

: Ill defend Master Paptimus with my life!

: Reccoa, Sarah
! Theyre both under his spell

: Youre nothing but sentimental worms, incapable of grasping my genius. Now youll receive your due punishment!

: While youre blind to the reality thats right in front of you, Paptimus Scirocco!

: Enough nonsense, you impertinent brat! Your lives are but mere drops in the river of history and Ill make you painfully aware of that!
Here we go, Sciroccos out for real so lets see what hes packing:

The O (Paptimus Scirocco)
Pilot Skills
- Newtype L8
- Counter L9
- Ignore Size Difference
- Genius
- Morale+ (Damage)
- Attack Again
- Sword Cut
- Equipped with a Haro!
Squad Leader Bonus: Accuracy Rate +30%, Counterattacking damage +20%
Holy shit, how many accuracy and evasion bonuses do you need, guy?! Dont even bother casting Focus: youll NEED Strike/Sense to reliably connect against Scirocco (dodging is also a crapshoot, even with Confuse on).
His attack power is humongous and hes very likely to crit as his Skill stat has the absolute highest baseline across all bosses in the game, and, of course, everything else is also sky-high. Keep defensive spirits on when attacking or itll hurt like hell (thankfully, he cant use his strongest TRI attack and he can only double with his second weakest move). All this is compounded by an S rating in space.
The good part is that while The O is quite bulky for an MS, Scirocco has no defenses outside of his dodginess which makes it simple to bring his 85k HP pool down. You gotta get rid of him as quickly as possible
which makes this a bit of a dick move:
Secret Alert! 
- Shoot down Sarah (if you didnt fight her with Camille or Katz on 37, youll need to Convince her with Camille first).
- Convince Reccoa with Camille and then leave her alive for the rest of the stage.
These only matter to Setsuko players but, completionist that I am, Ill be following along.
I cant trigger Sarahs convince option, mind, but heres how it goes:

: Enough, Sarah! Dont you realize how dangerous Scirocco is?!

: Master Paptimus is everything to me and that wont change, no matter what you say!

: Why, Sarah?! Why

: Katz
your kindness really made me happy

: But Ive met Master Paptimus before I met you and Camille.

: You cant find meaning in your life unless its given by someone, just like Reccoa?!

: I dont care what you think! Ive dedicated my life to serving Master Paptimus!

: Sarah!

: We need to immobilize her unit, Katz! Therell be no helping her if she goes on fighting like this!
Rand and Banjou finish off the western Gondwana.

Well get rid of Sarah first, opening with Marin.

Haman will follow it up to take out her squaddies.

There they go.

And there she goes, courtesy of Rentons new supreme Skill (yes, he could double Scirocco).

: I-I cant take much more

: Pull back, Sarah! Ill take care of everything!

: Please forgive me, Master Paptimus

: Stop using her to carry out your agenda, Scirocco!

: Youre free to think that if you wish, Camille, but I am merely guiding her.

: Indeed
Sarah needs me, just as the world does.

: Get off your high horse! What youre doing is keeping her in shackles!
Camille does have a pre-battle convo with her, though:

: Sarah! If you won't disarm, you'll leave me no choice!

: We're enemies! We have to fight to the death!

: I'm not going to kill somebody who isn't fighting of their own free will!

: !

: If you're just fighting for Scirocco, you're nothing more than a machine... I'll disable your weapons!

: Listen to me, Reccoa! Sciroccos dangerous!

: I know that but he still needs me!

: He gave me what I never had in the Argama!

: And you cant find happiness in your life unless its given to you?!

: Lt. Emma, you have no idea how I feel!

: You always were too much of a woman!

: Thats right and Im here
because I am a woman!

: I still dont understand whats this about men and women! But I know I dont want to fight you, Ms. Reccoa!

: Fa
Ive long since lost that sincerity you have

: Reccoa

: It does not matter whether Scirocco is righteous or not! Ive made a decision to live beside him!

: Reccoa

: Reccoa
if you wont come to your senses, Ill just cut the problem at its root!!
Well be leaving her be now but, like Sarah, Reccoa also had a battle convo:

: Reccoa! You're really going to fight us?

: I told you, Camille! This is my decision!

: So you support Scirocco's designs for the world?!

: I'm doing this myself, not for the world!

: Ill never accept that kind of selfishness, Reccoa Londe!
As Sandman kills the last GOUF, Gainer weakens the final Nazca and Ryouma pounces onto it.

Right nearby, Lacus downs the final ZAKU and everyone else gets in position to deal with Scirocco.

Enemy Phase!

Reys surprisingly accurate, even with Confuse on.

: Athrun... you'll pay for betraying the faith the Chairman put in you!

: How can you be willing to live your life as the Chairmans puppet?!

: My dream is a world under Gil's guidance! I won't let anyone stop him!
Neo doesnt care about beams, Athrun gets lucky but Kira loses half his health.

Murrue actually dodges the Gondwana but then Talia gets close enough to attack.

: (Cpt. Gladys...)

: (Cpt. Ramius... I'm fighting for what I believe in, just like you.)
Murrue attacking Talia: Target Zafts flagship! Sink it and victory is ours!
Murrue taking small damage: Chandra Damage minimal, systems all green! Murrue Stay on your toes! This isnt all the Minervas capable of!
Reccoas attack stops on Rogers barrier while Kei manages to dodge a 60% hit from Scirocco (thats 60% to hit WITH Confuse and Focus on
thats how accurate he is).

Player Phase!

Before anything, lets show off The Os Hidden Arms attack from the safety of an Iron Walld unit.

: You talk a pretty picture, but we know what you're really doing is nothing but oppression!

: You can have our freedom over my dead body!
It looks so nice
Now we go take out this sumbitch!

: You can't even put up a fight against me without bowing to Char? How sad, Haman!

: I decided I prefer a coward to a megalomaniac.

: You viper
you plan on manipulating him and setting yourself as ruler of the post-war world, no?

: Perhaps, if hes degenerated into a man of that caliber...

: But it's hardly any of your business, since you won't be around to see it!

: Impertinent woman
! You'll be the one to die!
Haman attacking: Youre finished, Scirocco!
Scirocco attacking: You wish to face me, Haman Karn?!
Scirocco taking damage: Curse you, Haman
! Ill need to deal with this woman first!

: Why don't you use all the power you've been blessed with for something good?

: You haven't the right to criticize the world I'm making, boy!

: I'm one of the people living in this one! I think I have the right to fight for my place to live!

: I refuse to accept what youre doing! Someone who doesn't understand others' pain cant be trusted with our worlds future!
Loran attacking: Youre wrong if you think you can manipulate us!
Scirocco attacking the Turn A: Im the one wholl lead mankind over and beyond the Black History!

: I know about you, Kira Yamato: the one known as the Super Coordinator.

: ...!

: You're the most powerful human in the world, but you're ultimately just another soldier. You can't see the big picture.

: Maybe, but even I can tell that there's nothing good you can do for the world!

: I'll fight you... in whatever way I can!
Kira attacking: You see women as mere tools?! Whats wrong with you?!

: If you believe imposing your selfish ideals unto others is whats best for everyone...

: Then well stand against you! What youre trying to do will only spread sorrow throughout the world!

: Paptimus Scirocco! Now that you're here, we can settle this once and for all!

: You think you stand a chance of defeating me, Char?

: You're a pathetic excuse for a Newtype. Let me demonstrate the difference between us!

: That's the arrogance that will lead the world to destruction, Scirocco!

: If you can't defeat a single man like me, you're not worthy to guide the world!
Quattro attacking: Prepare yourself, Paptimus Scirocco!
Scirocco taking damage: Your part has long since ended, Char!
Some of Scirocco attack lines:
- Have you come to face your death, Char?
- Failed Newtypes such as you are fated to be exterminated!
- You actually think that MS can stand up to my The O, Char?!

: You! You're the one responsible for spreading this war!

: I'm afraid the world isn't that simple. War is a necessity for any revolution to occur.

: I've heard it all! Were all the people who died and those who will die a necessity too?!

: People like you cant make the world a better place! If you want a fight, I'll give you one!
Shinn attacking Scirocco: Things wont be going according to your plans, Scirocco!

: Amuro Ray. Your greatest foolishness is not realizing the correct way to use your powers.

: Excuse me?

: You're wasting your abilities in the service of the masses. You'll be an ordinary soldier forever, never able to chart the course of humanity.

: My new world has no place for those who don't understand the purpose of Newtypes!

: That's wrong! Newtype or not is no way to weigh human lives!

: All you can do, a narcissist full of his own inborn power, is bring ruin to the world! And I will not stand for it, Paptimus Scirocco!
Amuro attacking:
- Paptimus Scirocco
! Ill put a stop to your Pressure!
- Scirocco! The world isnt small enough that a few geniuses could stir it!
Scirocco attacking: This era does not need you, Amuro Ray!

: The outcome of the Copernicus Summit was a shame, but I know I did all I could.

: If you insist on your foolishness, all there is left for me to do is face it, bearing faith in my law!
Roger attacking:
- Your cajoling of women is unacceptable, Scirocco!
- Scirocco! I cannot overlook your outrageous actions!

: Ya think you can get away with whatever if you say it's to save the world?

: Did ya even think of how many peoplell be sad in this new world of yours?!
Garrod attacking:
- Paptimus Scirocco! Dont think you can have your way with us!
- It aint one genius thats gonna make a better world! Thats up to all of us!

: All this war's happening because I set off that bomb, huh...?

: Damn it...! The world doesn't have time to deal with this!

: You've finally come out to fight with your own hands, Paptimus Scirocco!

: This is the only way I can impress my power upon your lot.

: I was hoping, if you felt my direct presence, you would give up your fight.

: Don't be ridiculous! Does your contempt for your fellow humans know no bounds?!

: I'm merely doing what I was born to do, Camille Bidan!

: To defy me is tantamount to spitting on the fate of this world itself!

: I've had enough of your arrogance! I'll put a stop to this war!

: Urk! The O has been beaten?!

: I wont allow you to do as you please with the world, Paptimus Scirocco!

: I am simply a witness to history. Thus, Ill watch far more peacefully than you would.

: Youre saying Im not peaceful?

: Quite. You want the entire world to lay at the palm of your hand, dont you?

: I just dont want it to go down the wrong path!

: A man without vision guiding the world will only lead it astray!

: Silence, Scirocco! Your ideas for what lies ahead are hardly necessary!

: You damned viper
! Someone whod capitalize on the war of others hasnt what it takes to lead humanity!

: We dont need people like you, ignorant to the pain of others, Paptimus Scirocco! This world will never be free from war as long as men like that are around!

: You dare reject the world Im creating, Camille Bidan?!

: All you do is watch and manipulate people from the shadows!

: And Im qualified to do so!

: In your arrogance, you reduce people to animals to pawns!

: Enough of your mewling, brat!

: What youre doing is the absolute worst thing a human can do to another!

: What is this pressure?! I cant move?!

: Someone who uses war as a tool could never understand the power coursing through me, Scirocco!

: And the Zeta can bring this power to manifest itself!!


: Youre finished, Scirocco!!

: However
Ill be taking your mind with me
Camille Bidan!!

: !

: Camille!

: Camille, are you alright?! Talk to me, Camille!!


: Oh, Camille!

: (
I saw Four
and not just her
) I felt so many souls giving me the strength to beat Scirocco

: And
when he died, he tried to take me with him

: But youre still with us.

: Neither you, Fa nor anyone else are illusions or spirits
I guess I must still have things to do with this body.

: Camille

: (Thats right, Camille
you still have a home to return to...and a future to help create.)

: (Ill also place my faith in the possibilities youve shown me


: Reccoa

: Sciroccos gone

: Ms. Reccoa!

: Leave her be, Fa. She must find her own answers